Venus square saturn composite lindaland. Venus sextile-trine Saturn.
Venus square saturn composite lindaland Posts: 3474 From: Registered: Mar 2011: posted August 21, 2015 10:21 AM Nov 30, 2015 · I also have Venus opposition Neptune in composite with someone. We have Venus trine Jupiter both ways, as well as my Venus opposition his Mars, Mars square Mars (Gemini vs. com) I agree that the Saturn/moon conjunction is very binding. Saturn represses the warm and self-expressive nature of Venus and can make a relationship very cold. Saturn conjunct Uranus 2*a Saturn square sun 4*a Saturn square Union 5*a Saturn square Venus 5*a Saturn square Mercury 3*s Saturn square Juno/Eros 7*a Saturn opposite Karma 0*a Comp Saturn conjunct his natal Venus 0* and opposite my natal Chiron 0* Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Venus opposite Mars. These stelliums should be angular, or in the 5th. My longest relationship featured a tight Saturn square Venus aspect in synastry, wherein I was the Venus person. Dec 29, 2015 · Author: Topic: Venus / Saturn Conjunction in Progressed Composite: thegrinning_cat Knowflake . Those you care about may feel more aloof and as a result you may become insecure about whether they value you or not. Venus conjunct Discover how the Saturn square Venus aspect in a composite chart can bring challenges and lessons to your relationship dynamics. From his side his Mars is Trine my Sun, AC, and Mars, Conjunct my Pluto, and Square my Mercury (which usually when I touch a guys Mars like that he's all over me lol). mutual indulgence/spoiling could be a word used to describe it Mar 12, 2014 · ° VR Venus conjunct VR MC exact - in Libra. Ss both have moon in aries conjunct the composite moon. What I think override this is both the equally difficult uranus, both also our saturn in each others 7th house in synastry and in the composite, and jupiter! Pluto square Saturn orb +3°41' Pluto sextile Venus orb +3°51' While we're at it, I'll post the composite stuff for Saturn and pluto as well: Pluto: Venus trine Pluto orb +2°27' Sun square Pluto orb +4°15' Neptune sextile Pluto orb +1°20' Saturn: Sun sextile Saturn orb -4°23' Venus square Saturn orb -6°10' If the people involved,both have saturn square venus natally and their composite venus conjunct composite saturn. I’m Saturn. A composite won't tell you whether or not it's one sided. My Mars is also Square his Saturn. Venus is trine saturn and sun is conjunct jupiter so I thought maybe. When these two energies come into a square aspect, there can be a clash between the need for stability and the desire for freedom and uniqueness. But I don't know, with the way you describe it, it sounds like some Pluto elements where it is difficult but just too good to give up. . Posts: 705 From: New York, New York, USA Registered: May 2015: posted November 30, 2015 10:36 AM I just wanted to confirm (like many people who have experienced those aspects before me) that having Venus square both Uranus and Saturn in composite chart is a relationship doomed from the start, too many roadblocks and even an unrequited love. Sun conjunct saturn is a bigger problem than the aspect in sybastry because the composite describes how the relationship itself will be, not just how two individuals within it will act Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. IP: Logged. I love this, I have Pluto in 7th house and 7th house in Scorpio Venus conjunct-opposite Sun. Posts: 682 From: New York, NY USA Registered: Nov 2013: posted July 10, 2018 07:24 PM ° pr composite true Lilith conjunct his natal Uranus (12th house ruler) (0°13 s) ° pr composite Venus conjunct his natal SN (0°00!) LOL. Plus, His Saturn is opposite my ASC at 0 degrees. com) Topic Closed Venus Square Saturn Synastry: violet7887 Knowflake . The primary aspects include conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition, each influencing the relationship between Venus’s love and value energies and Saturn’s discipline and responsibility themes. And I have Uranus conjunct mc natally. His Mars is also conjunct my Venus at 0 degrees. Would the saturn trnes balance that out? I'm not sure how t post the chart but I will try to figure it out . Sexual tension like I've never felt before! He is very shy, but even the first time I met him he stared at me as I was leaving in a lusty, mesmerized gaze. I get my freedom with responsibility. Also Sun square Neptune in composite is tricky. Be clear about your own self worth and the reactions of others will not have such an impact. My Saturn trine his Moon and conj his Vertex. and I also agree that sometimes the Saturn/moon conjunction can be a problem as one will stick with bad relationship just a strongly with good Sep 13, 2019 · it this [pointis necessary to point out hat there are harsh aspects with nessus conjunct venus and square the moon/sun midpoint and Saturn conjunct eris square the node. these aspects can be very dominating and controlling. com) I think there has to be some nice redeeming aspect in all of that, such as composite sun conjunct or semisqure jupiter, or composite sun semisquare or opposite venus, or at the very LEAST venus trine pluto or moon square/opp/semisquare venus in either synastry or composite. Either in a composite or natal. racole12 Knowflake . I copied this from Café Astrology: "I look to see if any of the personal composite planet/point positions conjunct the individuals' personal planets and points. Venus eventually feels like Mars is a bully and too self-centred for them. IP: Logged You have moon square pluto in the synastry in addition to sun conjunct pluto and also you have sun and venus square pluto and moon conjunct neptune in the composite so that's why u feel the way u do. I know this but,in natals,aspects are tight. Venus conjunct Saturn in the composite chart can present problems for a relationship. We do have the nasty binding aspect of Sun Square moon but it's affecting our natal's moons. Nackie unregistered : posted January 05, 2004 10:46 AM Oddly, though, in Bull's case, the composite Saturn was opposite my Venus AND composite Venus was opposite his natal Saturn. On its own, composite venus square neptune, is definitely putting each other on a pedestal, maybe overly so, but no big deal, like to hell with it, this is love and I'm gonna love the hell out of this person. Other than the square, we have positive Saturn aspects. Aug 22, 2015 · Author: Topic: Venus conjunct Saturn in synastry (DW) and composite: Rosalind Knowflake . This lasts maybe a few weeks or a couple of months. Yes, a Saturn square can be difficult to deal with. The Oct 26, 2023 · I have a really nice composite chart with my partner: Sun, merc, venus, mars Conjunct Saturn trine sun, merc, and venus And then there's jupiter square uranus which I read is a big sign of separation. is he really? well, my friends and family say no :-) he is unlike any man i Venus also sextile Saturn conjunct Pluto in libra 4H so there's a lot of glue holding us together and almost forcing us to find a compromise and better understanding of each other. Venus the planet of love in hard aspect to planet of duty, restriction, and hardship is well uh hard. Posts: 11 From: Registered: Sep 2018: posted September 26, 2018 05:03 AM Composite Chart: Venus – Saturn Aspects. He's the one who has Venus sextile Saturn in his chart and I have Venus square Saturn. Author: Topic: Venus conjunct Saturn in synastry (DW) and composite: Rosalind Knowflake . It takes a long time to pop its head out, first of all, while u can usually notice sun square saturn right away, and it makes people completely abandon each other when they need each other the most because of an inability to understand that person's vulnerabilities. I just wanted to confirm (like many people who have experienced those aspects before me) that having Venus square both Uranus and Saturn in composite chart is a relationship doomed from the start, too many roadblocks and even an unrequited love. Blockages are experienced, and love relationships may be a source of frustration as a result, until the natives learn to love themselves, and to feel worthy of love from others. Angles are important right? I feel like this is a pandora box I didn't want to see. The ruler of my 7th house (Capricorn) is Saturn. Your love relationship will, at some point, seem to need definition and structure, including the roles you play. Overall though it doesn't look that bad or Saturn heavy . in professional associations it's not so difficult. It caused you to feel lonely or different, even if these feelings aren’t obvious to others. You may feel constricted both in finances and love right now. he exact. Sun conjunct and opposite Ascendant. Venus square Neptune in composite, seems to require other neptune, moon, mars aspects to compound it. what would you say about this relationship? I surely know we must look the natals separately and study the composite as a whole. We had double wahmmy venus-pluto aspects and the love stellium in the composite. Lol. Venus sextile-trine Saturn. and many Hi Belage. as a planetary power it represses the warm and self-expressive nature of venus and can make a relationship For instance Saturn trine Jupiter, Mars and mercury. We have to look at the wholepicture. Lately I have been thinking about Saturn in synastry, it gets a really bad rap. When composite Venus is conjunct composite Saturn: Although it might not be apparent at first, this is a serious relationship that can’t be taken lightly. com) I am very interested in an answer to that question myself, as in my composite Moon and Venus (6 degrees apart) are both square the nodal axis (their midpoint is on almost the exact square-degree). There may be the potential of loving affection in a connection (the Sun-Venus in composite), but I cannot really accept it (my SAturn). Posts: 310 From: Registered: Jun 2015: posted December 28, 2015 06:41 PM And second time was with a guy I would marry in a heart beat We have composite venus trine pluto, though. Many married couples either have a composite Libra rising or have their Sun, Moon, or Venus in the composite 7th house. The couple takes the relationship seriously and is ready to show their loyalty. Posts: 1662 9' Sag trine his Sun 9' Leo. Pierre and Marie Curie: Moon in Capricorn in 12th house (Moon rules DESC ) - trine Mars in Virgo in 8th (2) - square Saturn in Libra in 8th (7) - square Neptune in Aries in 3rd (4) - trine Pluto in Taurus Mars sq Saturn is worse because it involves battles of the will, and impeding the other's progress, and reacting too sensitively taking on a control freak persona just because the other person rubs you the wrong way (ie, they won't do what you say ) Venus sq Saturn, I'd rather see that in synastry than a composite. Jan 11, 2015 · Another hard one is all our saturn. 2) SYNASTRY IS Oh, I should also mention that sun opposite venus in the composite is interpreted the same way as Sun conjunct venus so if you have sun opposite venus conjunct mercury (whether mercury is conjunct the venus or the sun it doesnt matter) it is basically and almost identical energy, except that for some reason the people seem to have opposite but Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. neptune exact in synastry and at 1 degree sextile in composite. He has gemini sun Third house. Even with not that good aspects to the sun with square uranus,neptune and inconjunct pluto exact our relationship survived for 7 years. My parents have sun conjunct venue mercury square the moon and God it's awfuuuul yet there together like magnets. It was crazy. Aug 29, 2019 · How the square between Venus and Saturn shows up in a composite chart between partners. Why? Venus Conjunct Saturn . In composite it Saturn contacts are great in synastry if you desire a long term bond, especially if it’s a trine aspect (Venus trine Saturn, Moon trine Saturn, Mercury trine Saturn, and Sun trine Saturn are my favorites. No separations, no up-and-down between them at all. Sun opposite saturn in composite with my daughter . The Venus person feels misunderstood and sometimes even harassed. Spiritual growth with composite Moon square Saturn. Uranus/neptune in my 3rd. My Virgo sun is 8th house and that is where my Venus is too. Cappi112 Knowflake . Dec 18, 2022 · saturn. Love of my life: Sun conjunct Venus Venus conjunct Jupiter Venus conjunct Uranus Moon trine Satrun Moon square Jupiter. Sun trine Ascendant. (forgot to tell you that in last post). My ex husband and i had an venus, mon conj square our saturn in composite. saturn. com) my bf and i have this aspect - venus c. These childhood traumas caused a deep lack of self-love within you. Do I REALLY need to look any further? These are such strong indications already. In composite: Venus conjunct Pluto. and in the composite devotion is always present. Composite ~ (without houses unfortunately) Sun conjunct Mercury, Neptune and NN Sun (Merc, Nep and NN) square Mars Moon conjunct Venus Moon square Saturn and Chiron Moon and Venus trine Uranus Venus square Saturn Sun opposite saturn in composite with my daughter . But it also is square to Saturn at 7 degrees. manderin Knowflake . Posts: 866 From: Richmond, VA USA Registered: Dec 2007: posted October 31, 2008 03:41 AM Very strong Saturn square Pluto (Scorpio) Very strong Saturn sextile Moon (Aries) Very strong Saturn Square Vertex (Scorpio) Saturn sesquiquadrate Ascendant (Cancer) I then have an interesting interchange. His Sun, Venus and Neptune(Scorpio)form a trine to my Moon, Venus and Jupiter (Pisces). Their need for love, affection and emotional support are never met, which makes them unable to express themselves later in life. Saturn on an angle in a composite chart tends to be present in long-term relationship composite charts. Probably the progressed chart had something to do with that, whilst venus pluto positive aspects are great the venus saturn negative aspects are to be avoided at all costs! IP: Logged. Usually, this influence was negative. We have a mutual venus-mars conjunct, moon-moon conjunct, neptune-moon conjunct, and sun-mars conjunct, making the relationship quite magnetic and bonded, but I just don't know what I am to learn from him or why we've become entangled in each others' lives. Love shouldn't be hard, not in my Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Hera Knowflake . But I have Venus trine Neptune double whammy in synastry with the same person. I like stelliums of Sun, Venus, and other planets. Jan 26, 2023 · Composite Venus-Saturn. Posts: 415 From: Registered: Jun 2014: posted January 24, 2016 10:37 AM I have an exact Sun-Venus-conjunction with someone in a composite, but my own Saturn opposes this conjunction exactly. The conjunction between the Venus and Saturn in the Composite Chart indicates a mature, committed, responsible couple. Too strong a focus on responsibilities and not enough on play and fun and listening to each others' feelings aka emotional distance is the problem with saturn. but Saturn is always glue. No. He was not at all that kind of man who will have control. My Jupiter is also sextile his Moon but my Saturn is square it and his Saturn is on my ascendant. Uranus/neptune on Composite Chart: Venus – Mars Aspects. com/book- Nov 5, 2015 · Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. In our synastry his Mars is exactly opposed my Neptune. Venus conjunct-opposite Sun. This created mutuality, though in the end it was all for nothing. but, this is a binding type of relationship too, so i think May 6, 2024 · Would Venus conjuct Jupiter in a Composite Chart help with Venus square Saturn in the Composite? The conjunction between Venus and Jupiter in the Comparison is at 1 degrees. We have srong tie to each other but sometimes it feels as be in a prison. A trine from Composite Saturn, on the other hand, can indicate longevity in the relationship, as well as formalized commitment (if the rest of the chart agrees). However, it also allows for a lot of spiritual growth. Venus square or opposition Saturn. We have saturn square sun (1 degree), saturn square venus (5 degrees) and we also have saturn square venus in the composite (5 degrees). Jun 19, 2016 · Uranus conjunct Venus, opposite Jupiter, square Saturn. I have uranus square saturn natally. in addition ixion is square to vneus. Posts: 684 From: Registered: Sep 2010: posted January 15, 2012 01:04 PM Sep 21, 2023 · Venus square Saturn in Composite - Stability through discomfortUnderstand your energetic make-up, get a reading:Book a reading: https://rubydaniela. As they get closer they end up arguing a lot, the Mars person comes accross as selfish and aggressive. Posts: 1010 From: the world is my home! Registered: Feb 2010 Dec 10, 2021 · Venus Square Saturn In Men. They are not the most affectionate couple, but they are steady, reliable, and in it for the long run. i have venus square saturn at a wide orb and saturn square sun natal so i don’t believe anyone could be harder on me than myself but reading how so many people believe it’s doom and gloom and to be avoided at all cost makes me want to see for myself hahah i can’t imagine one single aspect having that much effect over synastry but what do i know lol Wishing you and your partner nothing Both synastric and composite charts seem to denote a rollercoaster ride. Seeing Author: Topic: Mars-Saturn in composite: Koniucha Knowflake . I had the Venus/Mars square in composite In this case, a Moon square Saturn aspect might feel too restrictive and gloomy, especially without other supportive aspects to balance it out. He has neptune/venus square. When composite Venus is conjunct composite Mars: Passionate attraction to one another is strong and unlikely to fade over time, although it can turn into passionate hatred if things don’t work out between you! You arouse strong feelings in one another. The partners bring beauty and pleasure to the relationship through a shared interest in the arts. Delilah Knowflake . May 4, 2022 · Venus Conjunct Saturn. -venus/neptune square (0a) - mercury/neptune square(-5s) - venus/uranus square(3s) Composite - venus7uranus square - sun/neptune and moon/neptune square. lol Wow. It is precise right now. That Saturn is located in the 9th house. in the natal the person will always elicit long term relationships. Jul 21, 2021 · Sun conjunct ASC, Venus conjunct Mars, Mars trine Pluto, IC conjunct ASC and some more. I imagine it could lead to power plays with emotions but would love to hear some real life experiences of how it has manifested! Cafe Astrology's interpretation for the square/opposition in composite: Sep 26, 2018 · Author: Topic: Composite Venus conjunct Saturn: Jupitarian Newflake . ' in my experience it will be venus that will have to make amends and seek out the company of saturn again because the saturn is too mature to bend to venus. Venus represents love, harmony, and attraction, while Uranus represents individuality, independence, and sudden changes. ' i basically describe my relationship with him a fairy tale - he is like my price charming and i see him that way. com) Composite Chart: Venus - Saturn Aspects Composite Chart: Venus - Uranus Aspects Venus conjunct Saturn 2 Transiting Venus square natal Saturn. But along with that moon Aquarius in the 1st I have my sun parallel Uranus is a strong aspect to have in a chart. Dec 12, 2024 · Venus conjunct Saturn in a Composite Chart is an ideal placement for marriage. ° VR VEnus and VR MC conjunct VR Jupiter by 2 degrees ° VR Venus trine VR Neptune, her MC-ruler ° VR Vertex conjunct VR Saturn in VR 7th house - Saturn rules her 7th and 8th house. I think it is pretty important. I heard a relationship (composite) chart with Venus square Saturn will not make it. IP: Logged Ann7 Jan 26, 2012 · Composite moon square saturn is probably worse than composite sun square saturn. I've heard/read that comparing a natal to the composite can give you information on what the relationship means to the individual. As a child with Venus conjunct Saturn, you were influenced by others’ opinions of you. Interestingly when we initially met his progressed Venus was on 1 Pisces, too. Posts: 3217 From: Registered: Oct 2014: posted July 09, 2015 01:47 PM Venus Square Saturn Venus opposition Neptune Moon square Saturn It was a really bad relationship. A Venus square Saturn aspect is equally challenging for men. And the third time was when I really fell in love. IP Jul 10, 2015 · Author: Topic: Composite moon conjunct saturn? angel4845 Knowflake . We have Venus square Mars DW, and Sun trine Mars DW. Seeing Apr 1, 2015 · Yeah we have composite sun perfectly conjunct venus in the 7th, conjunct DSC, with a wider conjunction (8 degrees) to a Neptune Mercury conjunction in the 6th house. The Sun conjunct Venus is very good to have in a composite (I have yet to be in a romantic relationship where this wasn't an aspect). Sep 11, 2023 · A square from Composite Uranus to the Composite 7th house ruler can indicate an on-off, unpredictable relationship. This guy seriously makes my knees shake just being around him. the fact that there is such a strong emotional/sexual chemistry can be a two edge Nov 26, 2015 · My reply is probably biased because His Pluto is also conjunct my Venus EXACT at 0 degrees. Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010: posted March 10, 2013 04:32 PM In the composite chart between the man I have loved for 5 plus years, we have major Saturn. comica23 Knowflake The Venus person is flattered. Saturn conjunct a composite ascendant is also incredibly binding. There is a deep sense of responsibility and duty to each other. From my experience, I am scared more of Venus square Saturn than Venus conjunct Uranus in the composite. But how would he feel about the Venus square Saturn in synastry? Being as though he has the sextile in his natal chart? And does having Venus square Jupiter in composite help with the Venus square Saturn in Apr 14, 2016 · Just to name a few synastry Sun novile moon moon septile venus mars square moon mars conjunct venus mars conjunct sun mars conjunct mercury venus square venus eros conjunct sun mercury and neptune vertex conjunct all the above karma conjuct all above venus conjunct ceres karma and psych, thats my venus and her astroids venus conjunct ic north Evolved, what stands out to me in your synastry is you guys have good binding aspects (Sun conjunct Moon, Sun conjunct Juno, Venus conjunct Venus etc), but if anything I would look at the squares your Mars and Uranus make to his moon. Which means I'm use to the energy with the square. Uranus in the 8th house of a composite chart can indicate financial uncertainty or instability in a relationship. It was just the feeling of it. And the square between Venus and Saturn is at 6 degrees. They`ve been married for 11 years now, together for 16 years, though it`s hard to tell as they started out as friends and knew each other a while before. Saturn/Sun, Saturn/Venus, Saturn/Moon (most successful marriages have a hard aspect in Composite of Saturn/Moon), Saturn/Saturn, Saturn/Mars - soft tight aspects are best (trine and sextile), but any Saturn aspects whether hard or soft is the time keeper and glue of a relationship. Giving and receiving love are not flowing and natural for people born with Venus in hard aspect to Saturn. In our natals, i have venus/uranus square;sun/uranus square;mercury neptune square;moon/venus square;moon/jup square. com) I had with my ex venus in pisces trine pluto scorpio exact in composite,it was the most passionate relationship and that one when you feel loved in all the pieces of your soul. I think if it's in your natal, and you have not experienced abusive relationships, then you can trust your judgment here. Men with this aspect find it very difficult to express their emotions or understand those of others. All falling in the 5th house. Jun 28, 2017 · Someone said it feels like the other person lingers in the back of your mind and that’s absolutely true in my case. Randall Webmaster - semisquare Venus in Leo in 10th (2) - trine Saturn and Uranus in Gem in 8th (1) - conjunczt Neptune in 12th - sextile Pluto in Leo in 10th. IP: Logged venus conjunct saturn in the composite chart present problems for a relationship, particularily a personal one. Learn how to bridge the gap between differing values and find common ground for a harmonious and fulfilling partnership. We had even supportive aspects like moon Venus conjunct Saturn sounds like glue. Saturn represents the principle of reality, at least as most people see it. com) i have venus opposite saturn in composite too with someone, and it's well, i think saturn would be stoic and maintain they are 'right. Thsi Venus is also conjunct his natal Priapus, all on 1 Pisces. As a square in composite it could definitely indicate. amowls Knowflake . Their composite has Pluto conjunct ASC square Venus and I cant help but to feel there's some attachment he has with her, maybe Pluto flavor attractions. Virgo) and Mars square Saturn, again both ways. Venus and/or Sun conjunct Jupiter. This is often known as the “unrequited love” aspect. Venus also conjunct South Node in 12th house in the composite chart. In a composite chart, the square aspect between Venus and Uranus can bring both excitement and challenges to a relationship. His Saturn sextile my Sun and my Asc. The conjunctions can be quite binding as well too). lol His Saturn square her Mars and NN Her Moon square his Pluto His Moon square her Neptune. Most of my relationships have had 10th house stelliums. You're probably right. Oct 26, 2016 · I'm Mars, and in addition to my Mars being Square his Venus, my Sun and AC also Square his Venus. In synastry it was venus sextile pluto and venus square pluto Curious about any experiences with this aspect, I can't find much regarding the venus square pluto in the composite only synastry. I just wanted to confirm (like many people who have experienced those aspects before me) that having Venus square both Uranus and Saturn in composite chart is a relationship doomed from the start, too many roadblocks and even an unrequited love. i have neptune in 1st house which, i think, makes it 'worse. Saturn is squared Sun, Venus, Neptune, Mercury and trine Uranus. Venus pluto trine the moon. Jupiter also makes a conjunction between Sun and Mercury. Saturn square sun and square jupiter. That's not all of it, but it's a sampling. Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Meh. Well I definitely want to lavish everything on him but other factors in our synastry inhibit me. Since moon square pluto is within 01 degrees this is the closest aspect in ur chart it is extremely strong and solely defines ur entire relationship. Posts: 3474 From: Registered: Mar 2011: posted August 21, 2015 10:21 AM Interesting, his north node was conjunct my moon & venus but the rest of our synastry was full of saturn venus squares and his venus right on my DES, opposite my Sun/Pluto and squared my Saturn and nodes. But when I click on the aspects it only has two saturn squares. Also my IC conj his NN. kwomn lma jaf imas lggm pisdc zkzn yccr ioqe zuuec